Saturday, July 23, 2016

Top 10 Cutest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Okay, enough with the scary looking pokemon with powerful stats and appearance. One of the reason that many of you playing pokemon is because these monster are cute, right?

So, here are my top list of cuttest pokemon in Pokemon Go based on.....


Based on their huggable bodies I think.

Read carefully.

10. Snorlax - The Baymax

9. Bulbasaur - The Walking Flower

8. Clefairy - The Weird-looking Fairy

7. Seel - The Seal

6. Chansey - The Egg

5. Eevee - The Bunny

4. Jigglypuff - The Big Eyes

3. Charmander - The Unburnt

2. Squirtle - The Blue Turtle

1. Pikachu - The Everyone's Favorite

Are you agree with me?

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