Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pokemon Types

Well, beside HP and CP, you should know well the types of your pokemon and your enemy's pokemon, because some types are only effective against several types. So, watch carefully and make sure to know the enemy's pokemon types before battling them!

fire copy

Effective Against: Steel, Bug, Ice, Grass
Weak Against: Rock, Water, Ground

water copy
Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Weak Against: Electric, Grass

grass copy
Effective Against: Water, Ground Rock
Weak Against: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug

electric copy
Effective Against: Water, Flying
Weak Against: Ground

normal copy
Effective Against: None
Weak Against: Fighting

ice copy
Effective Against: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
Weak Against: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel

poison copy
Effective Against: Grass, Fairy
Weak Against: Ground, Psychic

fighting copy
Effective Against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Steel
Weak Against: Flying, Psychic, Fairy

ground copy
Effective Against: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Against: Water, Grass, Ice

rock copy
Effective Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug
Weak Against: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel

physic copy
Effective Against: Fighting, Poison
Weak Against: Bug, Ghost

bug copy
Effective Against: Grass, Psychic
Weak Against: Fire, Flying, Rock

flying copy
Effective Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Weak Against: Electric, Ice, Rock

dragon copy
Effective Against: Dragon
Weak Against: Ice, Dragon, Fairy

fairy copy
Effective Against: Fighting, Dragon
Weak Against: Poison, Steel

ghost copy
Effective Against: Psychic, Ghost
Weak Against: Ghost

So that's all the strengths and weaknesses off all pokemon types in Pokemon Go

Make sure you remember all of it, especially when you want to take a gym!

Good Luck!

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